14001 Jelly Roll Morton, The Saga of Mr. Jelly Lord, Vol. 1: JAZZ STARTED IN NEW ORLEANS
Issued exclusively by Circle, under arrangement with the estate of Ferdinand Joseph Morton.
Tiger Rag (The original quardrille)
Tiger Rag and Panma
Mr. Jelly Lord
Original Jelly Roll Blues
Ancestry and Boyhood
The Miserere and Boyhood Memories
Hyena Stomp
L-14001 (reissued as RLP-9001)

14002 Jelly Roll Morton, The Saga of Mr. Jelly Lord, Vol. 2: WAY DOWN YONDER …
Issued exclusively by Circle, under arrangement with the estate of Ferdinand Joseph Morton.
The Animule Ball, part 1
The Animule Ball, part 2
Shooting the Agate
See See Rider, part 1
See See Rider, part 2
New Orleans Funeral, part 1
New Orleans Funeral, part 2
New Orleans funeral, part 3
L-14002 (reissued as RLP09002)

14003 Jelly Roll Morton, The Saga of Mr. Jelly Lord, Vol. 3: JAZZ IS … STRICTLY MUSIC
Issued exclusively by Circle, under arrangement with the estate of Ferdinand Joseph Morton.
Discourse on Jazz, part 1
Discourse on Jazz, part 2: Kansas City Stomps
Discourse on Jazz, part 3: Kansas City Stomps (concl.)
Discourse on Jazz, part 4
Randall’s Rag: Maple Leaf Rag (St. Louis)
Maple Leaf Rag: (St. Louis) (New Orleans)
King Porters Stomp
You Can Have It
L-14003 (reissued as RLP-9003)

14004 Jelly Roll Morton, The Saga of Mr. Jelly Lord, Vol. 4: THE SPANISH TINGE
Issued exclusively by Circle, under arrangement with the estate of Ferdinand Joseph Morton.
Mama Nita
Spanish Swat
New Orleans Blues
La Paloma
Creepy Feeling, part 1
Creepy Feeling (concl.)
The Crave
Fickle Fay Creep
L-14004 (reissued as RLP-9004)

14005 Jelly Roll Morton, The Saga of Mr. Jelly Lord, Vol. 5: BAD MAN BALLDS
Issued exclusively by Circle, under arrangement with the estate of Ferdinand Joseph Morton.
Aaron Harris, part 1
Aaron Harris, part 2
Aaron Harris, (concl): Robert Charles, (part 1)
Tough Babies
Georgia Skin Game, part 1
Georgia Skin Game, part 3
Georgia Skin Game (concl.)
L-14005 (reissued as RLP-9005)

14006 Jelly Roll Morton, The Saga of Mr. Jelly Lord, Vol. 6: THE JAZZ PIANO SOLOIST
Issued exclusively by Circle, under arrangement with the estate of Ferdinand Joseph Morton.
The Pearls, part 1
The Pearls (concl)
Ain’t Missbehavin’
Bert Williams
Jungle Blues
L-14006 (reissued as RLP-9006)

14007 Jelly Roll Morton, The Saga of Mr. Jelly Lord, Vol. 7: EVERYONE HAD HIS OWN STYLE
Issued exclusively by Circle, under arrangement with the estate of Ferdinand Joseph Morton.

Sammy Davis, Tony Jackson, Pretty Baby
Alfred Wilson, Albert Carroll, etc.
Mamie’s Blues
Crazy Chord Rag
The Game Kid
Buddy Carter
Benny Frenchy, part 1
Benny Frenchy. Conc. All That I Asked Is Love
L-14007 (reissued as RLP-9007)

14008 Jelly Roll Morton, The Saga of Mr. Jelly Lord, Vol. 8: JELLY AND THE BLUES
Issued exclusively by Circle, under arrangement with the estate of Ferdinand Joseph Morton.
Wolverine Blues, part 1
Wolverine Blues, concl.
Low Down Blues
Michigan Water Blues
The Murder Ballad
Winin’ Boy, No. 1
L-14008 (reissued as RLP-9008)

14009 Jelly Roll Morton, The Saga of Mr. Jelly Lord, Vol. 9: ALABAMA BOUND
Issued exclusively by Circle, under arrangement with the estate of Ferdinand Joseph Morton.
Jack the Bear part 1
Jack the Bear, part 2
Jack the Bear, part 3
Salty Dog
St. Louis
The Miserere
Alabama Bound, part 1
Alabama Bound, part 2
L-14009 (reissued as RLP-9009)

14010 Jelly Roll Morton, The Saga of Mr. Jelly Lord, Vol. 10: THE JAZZ PIANO SOLOIST… 2
Issued exclusively by Circle, under arrangement with the estate of Ferdinand Joseph Morton.
Sweet Peter
State and Madison
Mu Gal Sal
King Porter Stomp
Original Jelly Roll Blues, part 1
Original Jelly Roll Blues, part 2
L-14010 (reissued as RLP-9010)

14011 Jelly Roll Morton, The Saga of Mr. Jelly Lord, Vol. 11: IN NEW ORLEANS
Issued exclusively by Circle, under arrangement with the estate of Ferdinand Joseph Morton.
The Broadway Swells, part 1
The Broadway Swells, concl.
Buddy Bolden’s Legend, part 1
Buddy Bolden’s Legend, concl.
The Marching Band, part 1
The Marching Band, concl.
Creole Song
If You Don’t Shake
Ungai Ha
L-14011 (reissued as RLP-9011)

14012 Jelly Roll Morton, The Saga of Mr. Jelly Lord, Vol. 12: I’M THE WININ’ BOY
Issued exclusively by Circle, under arrangement with the estate of Ferdinand Joseph Morton.
Levee Man Blues
The Storyville Story
The Naked Dance
I hate A Man Like You
Honky Tonk Blues, No. 1
Honky Tonk Blues, No. 2
If I Was Whiskey and You was A Duck
The Winin’ Boy, No. 2
L-14012 (reissued as RLP-9012)

9001 Jelly Roll Morton Volume 1: BOYHOOD MEMORIES
The Original Quadrille
Tiger Rag
Mr. Jelly Lord
Original Jelly Roll Blues
Ancestry and Boyhood
The Miserere:
Boyhood Memories
Hyena Stomp

9002 Jelly Roll Morton Volume 2: THE ANIMULE BALL
The Animule Ball (part 1)
The Animule Ball (part 2)
Shooting the Agate
See See Rider (part 1)
See See Rider (concluded)
New Orleans Funeral (part 1)
New Orleans Funeral (part 2)
New Orleans funeral (part 3)

9003 Jelly Roll Morton Volume 3: DISCOURSE ON JAZZ
Discourse on Jazz (par 1) Kansas City Stomps
Discourse on Jazz (part 2) Kansas City Stomps (concluded)
Discourse on Jazz (part 3)
Discourse on Jazz (part 4)
Randall’s Rag/ Maple Leaf Rag (St. Louis)
Maple Leaf Rag (St. Louis and New Orleans)
King Porter Stomp/ You Can Have It

9004 Jelly Roll Morton Volume 4: CREEPY FEELING
Mama ‘Nita
Spanish Swat
New Orleans Blues
La Paloma
Creepy Feeling (part 1)
Creepy Feeling (part2)
The Crave
Fickle Fat Creep

9005 Jelly Roll Morton Volume 5: GEORGIA SKIN GAME
Aaron Harris (part 1)
Aaron Harris (part 2)
Aaron Harris (concluded) Robert Charles (part 1)
Robert Charles (conclude)
Tough Babies
Georgia Skin Game (part 1)
Georgia Skin Game (part2)

9006 Jelly Roll Morton Volume 6: THE PEARLS
The Pearls (part 1)
The Pearls (part 2)
Ain’t Misbehavin’
Bert Williams
Jungle Blues

9007 Jelly Roll Morton Volume 7: MAMIE’S BLUES
Sammy Davis: Tony Jackson / Pretty Baby
Alfred Wilson: Albert Carroll; etc.
Mamie’s Blues
Crazy Chords Rag
The Game Kid
Buddy Carter
Benny Frenchy / All That I Ask Is Love

9008 Jelly Roll Morton Volume 8: THE MURDER BALAD
Wolverine Blues
Low Down Blues
Michigan Water Blues
The Murder Ballad
Winnin’ Boy (#1)

9009 Jelly Roll Morton Volume 9: JACK THE BEAR
Jack the Bear (part 1)
Jack the Bear (part 2)
Jack the Bear (concluded)
Salty Dog
St. Louis Blues
The Miserere
Alabama Bound (part 1)
Alabama Bound (part 2)

9010 Jelly Roll Morton Volume 10: ORIGINAL JELLY ROLL BLUES
Sweet Peter
State and Madison
My Gal Sal
King Porter Stomp
Original Jelly Roll Blues

553 West 51st Street
9011 Jelly Roll Morton Volume 11: BUDDY BOLDEN’S BLUES
The Broadway Swells (part 1)
The Broadway Swells (part 2)
Buddy Bolden’s Legend (part 1)
Buddy Bolden’s Legend (part 2)
The Marching Bands (part 1)
Ungai Hai
Creole Song
If You Don’t Shake
The Marching Bands (concluded)

9012 Jelly Roll Morton Volume 12: THE STORYVILLE STORY
Levee Man Blues
The Storyville Story
The Naked Dance
I Hate a Man Like You
Honky Tonk Blues (#1)
Honky Tonk Blues (#2)
If I Was Whiskey and You Was a Duck
The Winnn’ Boy

553 West 51st Street